Refresher on 15 weeks of consistent writing
I had decided to start writing after closing Zaloom. I didn't know then that I will get into long form writing. But here we are! I am proud and happy.
Hola! I am jumping into you inbox mid-week to celebrate a milestone - I have been writing consistently for 15 weeks now. I am proud of myself. Yayy!
You know what else I have been consistent with?
Hahah, I don’t work out like this cat. I have been running (now I do 3.5 Kms + another 2 km walk after the run) and properly working the core and upper body. I haven’t played tennis for few months now. I regret it. I am going to start it next week even if the cost is high.
Don’t worry, today is going to be very short. I want to quickly recap my favourite writings over the last 3 months
🏆My top 3 writings
#3 Marketing playbook for first 60-day
This is the first edition of many such playbooks. The learning on my current line of work - Brand management and growth marketing - is a steep curve everyday. I love every moment of it including all the challenges. Read this to get insights on my learnings in the first 2 months after the brand launch.
#2 Ten learnings from my 1 year of entrepreneurship
This was sweet. March 2022 to March 2023 was a splendid learning time of my life. It was the most uncomfortable, yet most enjoyable time. This was the closest I was to the real humans - in their raw form, always looking to get a bite out of others for their own gains. Humans are more close to animals then our technologically advanced world would let you believe. Go read this edition and see how all points actually relate to people and their animal instincts.
#1 Launching a new brand in 30 days
This was my first win after many failures over the last 14 months. I lost co-founders, lost fundraising deals, lost money (lots of money) and lost my mind. I joined a startup setup in Singapore, managed to setup the goals and launch the first brand within promised time. I was ecstatic. Read more to know how did I do it.
We launched a DTC brand in 30 days flat. How?
💩The worst writings (or stupid?)
#1 A baking recipe. Seriously?
This was written in the spurt of the moment. I could not bake it well and I never tried it again. Shameful 💩
#2 Literally out of Singapore
This wasn’t supposed to be a regular issue. I was going to write - “Sorry I am on vacation” but I ended up typing a whole edition on my phone. It was okay at best 💩
Here we are at the end of this edition. Promise of short writing fulfilled!
Have a great week folks! You are a wonderful bunch 😉
Hahah, bbye 👋